
Teal's Kit of Calm

Allow yourself some Self Care by treating yourself to the following 8 Guided Meditations and eBook:

-Calming Your FearWhenever you feel afraid and your fear is causing you distress, this meditation serves to calm and soothe that fear.  It guides you through a gentle process of recognizing, understanding and meeting the needs of the vulnerability that is causing the fear.
-HeartbeatThis meditation is taking you on a calming journey into the heart space through the use of guided breathing.
-Light HealingIt uses the power of the mind to heal the body by guiding the listener through a process of using light to create healing, vitality and wholeness within their body. As you listen to this meditation, your vibration naturally rises which both prevents ailments from impacting your body and restores your body to a state of wellbeing.
-Rapid RelaxationThe Rapid Relaxation meditation is designed to help you let go of stress and ‘give up’ the things creating that stress, quickly and effectively. As opposed to the common, slow paced and soothing stress relief meditation, it is designed to bring immediate relief.
-River ReleaseThis meditation is a guided experience of letting go. It is designed to free you from your negative or painful emotions, feelings, beliefs and thoughts.
-Stress ReliefThis meditation is designed to guide you through the process of letting go of all resistance and tension in your being, so that you may find a state of ease and relaxation.
-The Body BreathIt puts the listener into a state of allowing that brings about calm, stillness and inner peace. This meditation maximizes both oxygen intake and absorption into your tissues, which is incredibly healing for the body.
-Tree MeditationThis meditation grounds you and allows you to see the bigger picture. This meditation is especially beneficial for when you are dealing with ‘drama’ in your life.

Teal's eBook Sculptor In The Sky: The book that started it all. A complete guide to the Universe, your place in it, and how to work with the laws of this Universe to sculpt the reality of your dreams.


Receive for a limited time the HQ downloadable image of Teal's Frequency Painting of Transforming Fear: The vibration of using fear to propel into expansion. Fear was designed to be the main contrast that is causing universal expansion, because it is the opposite vibration of source (or god). This vibration helps us to recognize our fears and use our fear for our benefit instead of resist it. Fear is not your enemy. This vibration is beneficial for anyone who feels inhibited by their fear in any area of life.

Available instantly to download or stream; lifetime access. Access sent via email upon purchase.

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