Osamělost Meditace Teal Swan

Tato meditace umožňuje posluchači, aby se stal přítomen a poskytnout bezpodmínečnou přítomnost na prázdnotu osamělosti uvnitř; a obnovit propojení s ostatními a se světem jako celku. Poslechem této meditace je vnitřní prázdnota naplněna a pocit osamělosti je nahrazen pocitem spojení.

Okamžitý přístup - Ke stažení po odhlášení pro tuto bezplatnou položku.

Posunete ji na další úroveň: Zkuste Teal připojení proces audioknihy zde

Proces připojení představuje tři výkonné esoterické procesy, které vás obnoví ze stavu oddělení do stavu spojení se sebou a ostatními.

Přemýšlejte o tom, jak dobře by to bylo pro někoho, kdo by vám zcela pochopit, a jak skvělé by bylo, kdyby byli tak vnímavý vašeho vnitřního světa, že přesně věděli, co potřebujete, nebo co říct. Přemýšlejte o tom, jak dobré by bylo vychutnat harmonii ve svých vztazích, místo utrpení prostřednictvím konfliktů.

Customer Reviews

Based on 15 reviews
Richard Marks
Teals amazing meditation for loneliness

I just love what you do so much Teal this meditation on loneliness is so beautiful and heartfelt and it means so much to me

Beautiful meditation

Beautiful meditation, not unlike all the guided meditations from Teal! Almost needless to mention that I am immensely grateful. 😃

Five stars..⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

Thank you.. ❤️


As someone who spends 3/4 of her time alone at home with the animals, things can get very lonely around here. But that doesn't mean I *am* alone. Thank you, Teal. Another beautiful message at just the right time.

Steven Sherlock

Well, technically this is visualization/guided imagery, not meditation. However, it still kills!. I am pulling out of a bout of loneliness and these words have given me a leg up on it. Much Love!

Kyla Crawford
Meditation based in reality. Very helpful...

I have heard guided meditations on youtube but Teals seem again to be more in reality which is the only true way we can see and feel into what we are truly going through.
You can tell Teals depth and experience shines through and I am very grateful to Teal for sharing this. It is a meditation I will listen to many times over and feel I will still find new results from. Thank you for not giving up when things got severe Teal and thank you to those that are around you and creating the anchor you need. All the best, have fun enjoy 😘 Love Kyla (UK, Sheffield)

Customer Reviews

Based on 15 reviews
Richard Marks
Teals amazing meditation for loneliness

I just love what you do so much Teal this meditation on loneliness is so beautiful and heartfelt and it means so much to me

Beautiful meditation

Beautiful meditation, not unlike all the guided meditations from Teal! Almost needless to mention that I am immensely grateful. 😃

Five stars..⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

Thank you.. ❤️


As someone who spends 3/4 of her time alone at home with the animals, things can get very lonely around here. But that doesn't mean I *am* alone. Thank you, Teal. Another beautiful message at just the right time.

Steven Sherlock

Well, technically this is visualization/guided imagery, not meditation. However, it still kills!. I am pulling out of a bout of loneliness and these words have given me a leg up on it. Much Love!

Kyla Crawford
Meditation based in reality. Very helpful...

I have heard guided meditations on youtube but Teals seem again to be more in reality which is the only true way we can see and feel into what we are truly going through.
You can tell Teals depth and experience shines through and I am very grateful to Teal for sharing this. It is a meditation I will listen to many times over and feel I will still find new results from. Thank you for not giving up when things got severe Teal and thank you to those that are around you and creating the anchor you need. All the best, have fun enjoy 😘 Love Kyla (UK, Sheffield)
