Error: unable to find megafon icon
VLASTNÍ PRŮZKUM: Vibrace vyhledávání v různých aspektech sebe sama za účelem sebepoznání. Tento obraz je navržen tak, aby člověk uměl sladit s celkovým sebeuvědoměním na duchovní, duševní a fyzické úrovni. Bere v úvahu vícerozměrnou povahu lidské bytosti a více úhlů, ze kterých lze přistupovat k "já". Tento obraz byl původně zadán pro použití v kanceláři psychologa. Je to skvělý nástroj pro každého, kdo má zájem o získání sebeuvědomění, každý, kdo pomáhá ostatním získat sebeuvědomění a každého, kdo si přeje udržet objektivní perspektivu.
* Vezměte prosím na vědomí, že se jedná o položku na objednávku a musí být vytvořena od nuly, než ji budeme moci poslat! Před odesláním položky povolte před odesláním položky 5 až 7 pracovních dnů (bez víkendů) výrobu.
I've purchased several frequency stickers and this is the one that had the most noticeable effect on me. While I dont notice it every day, I did have an experience. I woke up in the middle of the night and couldn't fall asleep right away. With the thoughts that I normally have with just laying there, I started asking myself questions about myself. And instead of the anxiety and fogginess that usually have come with that, I experienced clarity, ease, and non judgement. I also experienced someone saying "I am the way I am for a reason" and I felt the reason. It sounded like Teal's voice, I dont know if it was because her sticker was having an effect on me or what but that's my best guess. I definitely recommend it if you're someone who needs to figure out why you do the things you do.
I've purchased several frequency stickers and this is the one that had the most noticeable effect on me. While I dont notice it every day, I did have an experience. I woke up in the middle of the night and couldn't fall asleep right away. With the thoughts that I normally have with just laying there, I started asking myself questions about myself. And instead of the anxiety and fogginess that usually have come with that, I experienced clarity, ease, and non judgement. I also experienced someone saying "I am the way I am for a reason" and I felt the reason. It sounded like Teal's voice, I dont know if it was because her sticker was having an effect on me or what but that's my best guess. I definitely recommend it if you're someone who needs to figure out why you do the things you do.