Aplomb-náměstí Stickers

APLOMB: Vibrace kompletního a sebevědomého sebejistoty

"" " Frequency Paintings by Teal Swan jsou energetické vzory, které jsou součástí pre-manifestní reality, které pak přeložit do své fyzické zkušenosti, když trávíte čas u nich! Kmitočtový produkt je homeopatický charakter a způsobuje, že osoba (s) kolem nich, aby uvízla s touto konkrétní frekvencí, nebo dokonce i více frekvencí by mělo chcete pracovat s několika. Jsou výborné sedět s meditací, mít ve svém obývacím prostoru a nosit s sebou po celý den (lidé kolem vás budou také těžit!). "" "


S klasickým čtvercovými nálepkami se nemůžete pokazit. Čisté, ostrý hrany a jednoduché-ale-elegantní vzhled, aby to nejpřímější a populární možnost.


.: Pro vnitřní nebo venkovní použití
.: Čtyři velikosti pro výběr
.: Šedá lepidla na levé straně pro bílé nálepky

*Vezměte prosím na vědomí, že se jedná o objednávku na objednávku a musí být vytvořena od začátku, než ji budeme moci odeslat! Umožněte prosím 5-7 pracovních dnů (nezahrnuje víkendy) pro produkci před expedicí vaší položky.

Customer Reviews

Based on 1 review

I put the Aplomb sticker in a 4x4 frame and hung it in my living space along with 7 other of Teal's paintings including "Hope" and " Activate Potential" on either side of the Aplomb paintings. In one week I was able to find out what thought patterns and barriers were keeping me from being able see what was holding back from getting what I want in life. I was led to information( through books and teachers) that revealed to me my polarized thought patterns, and inability to accept my own power to create what I want in my life. This is only the second week that I have had this sticker in my living space and I already know what I need to do to become more confident and self-assured so I can manifest my desires. I am looking forward to making more changes as I let these paintings impact my vibration.

Customer Reviews

Based on 1 review

I put the Aplomb sticker in a 4x4 frame and hung it in my living space along with 7 other of Teal's paintings including "Hope" and " Activate Potential" on either side of the Aplomb paintings. In one week I was able to find out what thought patterns and barriers were keeping me from being able see what was holding back from getting what I want in life. I was led to information( through books and teachers) that revealed to me my polarized thought patterns, and inability to accept my own power to create what I want in my life. This is only the second week that I have had this sticker in my living space and I already know what I need to do to become more confident and self-assured so I can manifest my desires. I am looking forward to making more changes as I let these paintings impact my vibration.
