AUTENTICKÝ VZTAH: Vibrace romantického vztahu mezi mužem a ženou, která je vyvážená, oddaná a autentická.
Nástěnná gobelín, vyrobená tak, aby vytvořila výjimečnou pohodu se stylem v každé místnosti, slouží jako vnitřní prvek, který se vyjadřuje. Vysoce kvalitní odolný tisk bude trvat mnoho let.
Recommend watching Teal's video.
How I Make a Frequency Painting and What Frequency Paintings Are (Teal Swan)
Thank you Teal
I wasn't sure which wall tapestry to order, but the Authentic Relationships one really spoke to me & I'm so glad it now has a home, on the ceiling, right over my bed! It's a huge mood recalibrator for me & I love it so much! Thanks Teal 💚
Recommend watching Teal's video.
How I Make a Frequency Painting and What Frequency Paintings Are (Teal Swan)
Thank you Teal
I wasn't sure which wall tapestry to order, but the Authentic Relationships one really spoke to me & I'm so glad it now has a home, on the ceiling, right over my bed! It's a huge mood recalibrator for me & I love it so much! Thanks Teal 💚