
Teal je 2020 Meditace Vault - Všechny meditace!

To to je Teal kompletní sbírka řízených meditací vše svázaný do jednoho! Je to nabízeno jen na krátkou dobu, takže ji uchopte, než to zmizí a za nejlepší cenu, za kterou jsme ji kdy prodali (35% sleva!).

Zde jsou všechny podrobnosti, nezapomeňte si přečíst vše před nákupem, protože se jedná o nevratnou položku:

Dostáváte všech 26 řízených meditací, hodnotu 136 dolarů!

1. Seznamte se s Průvodcem Duchem
2. Objevte svůj vlastní koncept
3. Přilákání vaší spřízněné duše
4. Dejte to zpátky (Shadow Meditace)
5. Sloučení se svým budoucím já
6. Dobrý pocit
7. Odpuštění
8. Odbourání stresu
9. Zdravé hranice
10. Strom meditace
11. Lehké léčení
12. Seznamte se se svým duchem zvíře
13. Tělesný dech
14. Řezací šňůry
15. Nahrazení bolesti
16. Svatyně
17. Uvolnění řeky
18. Finanční hojnost
19. Osamělost
20. Gayatri
21. Crown Čakra Otevření
22. Otevřenost
23. Srdeční tep
24. Rozpouštění Stuckness
25. Léčení mužské rány
26. Léčení dělohy

Doporučujeme tento nákup v počítači po telefonu, protože velikost souboru je velká a musí mít prostor pro jeho stažení (> 1 GB .zip soubor).

Po zakoupení si budete moci stáhnout meditační balíček prostřednictvím stránky potvrzení objednávky. Máte potíže s jeho nalezením? Budete také e-mailem odkaz najít :) Všimněte si, že poskytujeme všechny meditace vydané až do současnosti. Budoucí meditace, které jsou propuštěny bude muset být dodatečně zakoupit.

Užijte si a přejeme vám mnoho nádherných meditačních zážitků!

Customer Reviews

Based on 12 reviews
Alina S.
Loved the meditations

So far I've tried 3 and Inner Child led to some powerful realisations and created a lot of resolve for me. Even though it may seem as if you can find these in other places, these are actually quite different! Also the questions are very impactful. I'd say meditate with a journal close by, to be able to get the insights out on paper as soon as you've come out of the meditation

Simply Amazing

These meditations are for real. Once I was ready, I was able to see the fulfillment of a desire of 5 years as well as an incredible sense of self-confidence and personal empowerment within days of going through just a few of these meditations. I love being able to go through the list any time and choose the one that most speaks to me at that moment. Thank you so much, Teal! ❤️

Ozlem Ciftci

Wow! It’s mind blowing and ultimately outstanding meditations.each one of them took me to the different dimension and I was able to reach my subconscious mind and feel the change in deeper level in my consciousness. Brings tremendous amount of awareness into your consciousness. All is great help.
Thank you so much for these beautiful gifts.

Jacquie Schwartzman
Very helpful

I am trying to increase my ability to go deep inside to access and help heal my inner children and other parts that I have lost touch with. These guided meditations are very helpful in increasing my awareness and ability to travel deep within myself.

Khery Walsh-Otero

Enjoying the ones I have done so far.

Customer Reviews

Based on 12 reviews
Alina S.
Loved the meditations

So far I've tried 3 and Inner Child led to some powerful realisations and created a lot of resolve for me. Even though it may seem as if you can find these in other places, these are actually quite different! Also the questions are very impactful. I'd say meditate with a journal close by, to be able to get the insights out on paper as soon as you've come out of the meditation

Simply Amazing

These meditations are for real. Once I was ready, I was able to see the fulfillment of a desire of 5 years as well as an incredible sense of self-confidence and personal empowerment within days of going through just a few of these meditations. I love being able to go through the list any time and choose the one that most speaks to me at that moment. Thank you so much, Teal! ❤️

Ozlem Ciftci

Wow! It’s mind blowing and ultimately outstanding meditations.each one of them took me to the different dimension and I was able to reach my subconscious mind and feel the change in deeper level in my consciousness. Brings tremendous amount of awareness into your consciousness. All is great help.
Thank you so much for these beautiful gifts.

Jacquie Schwartzman
Very helpful

I am trying to increase my ability to go deep inside to access and help heal my inner children and other parts that I have lost touch with. These guided meditations are very helpful in increasing my awareness and ability to travel deep within myself.

Khery Walsh-Otero

Enjoying the ones I have done so far.
