$17.00 $56.00 Ušetříš: 69% ($39.00)
* Tento digitální balíček obsahuje Teal je 3 Shadow Guided Meditace! Také po omezenou dobu, dostat Teal audioknihy pro sochaře na obloze v ceně!
Objevte svůj vlastní koncept meditace
Tento Stín meditace staví své vědomé mysli ve stavu, kdy vaše podvědomí může odhalit skrytou pravdu o skutečné self-koncept držíte. Tím, že cvičí tuto řízenou meditaci, zažijete autentickou pravdu o tom, jak o sobě opravdu přemýšlíte, cítíte se o sobě a vidíte sami sebe.
Výměna meditace bolesti
Tato stínová meditace vyzývá posluchače, aby identifikoval věc v jejich životě, která jim způsobuje největší bolest. Meditace je pak provede procesem uvědomění si, proč je tam ta bolest, a pak uvolňuje bolest. Poté, co posluchač identifikoval a vydal jejich vazbu k bolesti, jsou vedeni procesem nahrazení jejich bolesti něčím, co se cítí dobře.
Vrať te to meditace
Tato meditace je navržen a najít a zmírnit přebytek a nezdravé odpovědnosti. V této stínové meditace, budete vedeni k nalezení a vrátit to, co není vaše držet a být zodpovědný za tak, že jste odešel jen to, co je vlastně vaše být zodpovědný za. Všichni z nás nesou tlak a neseme konkrétní věci, které nejsou ve skutečnosti naše, abychom mohli začít. Tyto věci nám dávají jiní, kteří nechtěli nebo kteří se cítili neschopní být za tyto věci zodpovědní. Žijeme svůj život v hanbě a vině a sebeobviňování a hyperzodpovědnosti; rozdrcené pod tíhou světa kvůli tomu. Nadešel čas vrátit ho komu patří.
Sochař v audioknize Sky
Nemůžete mít život, nemůžete ztratit život. . . Jsi život. Jsi to ty, kdo má moc rozhodnout se sám sebe na cestu, kterou jste zamýšlel... cestu k přivítání a stát se vlastní blažeností. Sochař na obloze, nová kniha duchovního katalyzátoru, Teal Scott vás vezme na cestu znovuobjevení vesmíru Boha a sebe. Tato mimořádná kniha nás vyzývá, abychom se znovu spojili s věčnou podstatou našeho bytí a rozšířili naše představy o realitě, ve které žijeme, je to nutné pro zvědavé, chtěné a připravené. Provokativní průvodce odpovědi na otázky, které každý člověk klade v určitém okamžiku svého života. Vezměte prosím na vědomí, že vypravěč, který vám čte Tealovu knihu, je někdo jiný než Teal.
Doporučeno: Při nákupu balíčku nezapomeňte stáhnout . ZIP soubor se všemi produkty na počítači, spíše než telefon, pokud máte možnost, protože velké velikosti souboru (344 MB)
Doufáme, že se vám to líbí! Tento obsah vám bude doručen prostřednictvím odkazu zaslaného na váš e-mail ihned po zakoupení :)
*Před nákupem upozorňujeme: Digitální produkty jsou nevratné.
These meditations are incredibly powerful, especially if you have a background in meditation of any kind. What I find most useful about them is they bring forward things from a subconscious level. They've helped in shadow work and in revealing my own truth about myself to me. Like I say, if you have any sort of background in meditation, these meditations in the way Teal does them really hit hard and hit deep in a good way. For people who may be new to meditation, I am sure they will have great benefit as well. The key for me is giving myself totally to the experience and being open and aware in the moment. Answers and information come forth, as well as healing and revealing truths. These meditations are well worth it.
I had purchased them about a month ago & listened to them once or twice, at that time, I didn't particularly feel the effect, but since the past 2 weeks, I have been learning about dysfunctional relationship dynamics, narcissism, and It has been extremely painful to identify the relationships closest to me being dysfunctional. But I realised that the shame which I was carrying all along was being projected on me by them. So after this major realisation I did the giving it back meditation, and paused it towards the end to continue the process mentioned. It was so damn relieving, I felt so incredibly light in my entire body, particularly my thighs, my shoulders which had been slouching forward since my teenage weren't slouching anymore, I felt so ecstatic, I was laughing & danced for around 1/2 an hour, until I was panting like a dog. I have never felt this free my entire life, as far as I can remember.
I am late with this review. At the time I ordered Teal's amazing SELF LOVE course and forgot to listen to The Bundle Of Shadows. In the morning I listened to Discover Your Self Concept and in the afternoon I listened to Replacing The Pain . The two meditations worked very well together . I was in tears a little bit (I never cry, this one of my issues). The next day I LOVED Give It Back.....amazing revelations. The bonus 6 hour audio of Sculptor In The Sky is very well done. Teal's work is effective and due to these meditations. I am examining things I did not know about myself. My delay in experiencing this bundle was necessary. Buy this bundle because it is a door opener for me. I feel Teal is unlike anyone I have studied and I feel I have studied with EVERYONE. Yours in truth and LOVE. DONALD W. BURRELL
I love it. It helps me a lot expand my horizons. Total shift in awareness
I was blown away by my self concept and it's helping me plan my future accordingly. This is a very important tool for anyone interested in shadow work. I really hope to see a past life meditation by teal. Thankyou!
These meditations are incredibly powerful, especially if you have a background in meditation of any kind. What I find most useful about them is they bring forward things from a subconscious level. They've helped in shadow work and in revealing my own truth about myself to me. Like I say, if you have any sort of background in meditation, these meditations in the way Teal does them really hit hard and hit deep in a good way. For people who may be new to meditation, I am sure they will have great benefit as well. The key for me is giving myself totally to the experience and being open and aware in the moment. Answers and information come forth, as well as healing and revealing truths. These meditations are well worth it.
I had purchased them about a month ago & listened to them once or twice, at that time, I didn't particularly feel the effect, but since the past 2 weeks, I have been learning about dysfunctional relationship dynamics, narcissism, and It has been extremely painful to identify the relationships closest to me being dysfunctional. But I realised that the shame which I was carrying all along was being projected on me by them. So after this major realisation I did the giving it back meditation, and paused it towards the end to continue the process mentioned. It was so damn relieving, I felt so incredibly light in my entire body, particularly my thighs, my shoulders which had been slouching forward since my teenage weren't slouching anymore, I felt so ecstatic, I was laughing & danced for around 1/2 an hour, until I was panting like a dog. I have never felt this free my entire life, as far as I can remember.
I am late with this review. At the time I ordered Teal's amazing SELF LOVE course and forgot to listen to The Bundle Of Shadows. In the morning I listened to Discover Your Self Concept and in the afternoon I listened to Replacing The Pain . The two meditations worked very well together . I was in tears a little bit (I never cry, this one of my issues). The next day I LOVED Give It Back.....amazing revelations. The bonus 6 hour audio of Sculptor In The Sky is very well done. Teal's work is effective and due to these meditations. I am examining things I did not know about myself. My delay in experiencing this bundle was necessary. Buy this bundle because it is a door opener for me. I feel Teal is unlike anyone I have studied and I feel I have studied with EVERYONE. Yours in truth and LOVE. DONALD W. BURRELL
I love it. It helps me a lot expand my horizons. Total shift in awareness
I was blown away by my self concept and it's helping me plan my future accordingly. This is a very important tool for anyone interested in shadow work. I really hope to see a past life meditation by teal. Thankyou!