Nemůžeš mít život, nemůžeš ztratit život ... Jsi život. Jste to vy, kdo drží moc, abyste se rozhodli sami na cestě, kterou jste zamýšleli ... na cestě přivítání a stát se vaší vlastní blažeností. Sochař na obloze, nová kniha duchovního katalyzátoru, Teal Scott vás vezme na cestu znovuobjevení vesmíru boha a sebe sama. Tato mimořádná kniha nás vyzývá, abychom se znovu spojili s věčnou podstatou našeho bytí a rozšířili naše představy o realitě, ve které žijeme. Je to nutné pro zvědavé, chtivé a připravené. Provokativní průvodce k zodpovězení otázek, které se každý ptá v určitém okamžiku svého života.
Peace, everyone. It is the Holy Month of Ramadan and next to The Quran… This book is second on my mind. Personally, I find her work and knowledge absolutely amazing and in alignment with my soul, my beliefs, my faith…. ♥️…
I have had this book for years, and every time I open it I’m ready to receive information at a new level. It puts into words what my intuition knows, I can sit back and nod and feel it’s truth. My higher self gave me a dream a few years ago and it amazes me how Teal’s book helps me make use of it on my journey, thank you Teal 🦢
I love this book! Every detail is explained in a ver overstanding way. From beginning to end.
I have ready it twice digitally and decided there are so many nuggets of information that I needed it in print. This book is so helpful and poignant. Every chapter just makes sense. I highly recommend this book. I'm already reading it for the third time now. Teal explains everything so simply. It's easy to follow and understand.
Peace, everyone. It is the Holy Month of Ramadan and next to The Quran… This book is second on my mind. Personally, I find her work and knowledge absolutely amazing and in alignment with my soul, my beliefs, my faith…. ♥️…
I have had this book for years, and every time I open it I’m ready to receive information at a new level. It puts into words what my intuition knows, I can sit back and nod and feel it’s truth. My higher self gave me a dream a few years ago and it amazes me how Teal’s book helps me make use of it on my journey, thank you Teal 🦢
I love this book! Every detail is explained in a ver overstanding way. From beginning to end.
I have ready it twice digitally and decided there are so many nuggets of information that I needed it in print. This book is so helpful and poignant. Every chapter just makes sense. I highly recommend this book. I'm already reading it for the third time now. Teal explains everything so simply. It's easy to follow and understand.