
Frequency Paintings FAQ Video

Welcome! We have two videos from Teal to help introduce you to the world of Frequency Paintings.

In the video below, Teal answers the most frequently asked questions about her Frequency Paintings. 

CLICK HERE for all of Teal's paintings. Paintings shown in the beginning of the video: Exploration.

00:14 What's the process of Teal painting her frequency art?
03:55 Do the paintings look exactly the same in real life as they do in the paintings?
05:17 Has Teal ever painted a low frequency painting?
06:16 How long does it take to entrain with a frequency? How to amplify the frequency?
06:57 Are some of these paintings for sale?
07:58 What medium does Teal use to create her paintings?
08:32 Do you have a painting for success?
09:41 Which paintings should you keep in your bedroom?
10:19 What frequency is good for work or to help pass a test? 
10:48 When is it time to take the painting down?

FAQ Video on Frequency Paintings below:

00:00 What are frequency paintings?
01:36 How do they work and entrainment timeframe?
02:09 Stories of people's experiences being affected by the frequencies.
05:49 How do you know what frequency painting you'll paint next? Is there a source?
07:03 Three frequencies for creating calm atmosphere in your home.
07:13 One frequency for finding and maintaining compatible relationships.
07:19 One frequency for getting unstuck and back into alignment.
07:25 Favorite frequency to enhance one's meditation practice.
07:27 Favorite frequency to have around when doing shadow work and integration processes.

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